Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 2


We decided what better way to start the week than to plan out what we were going to do for the rest of the week. So we started this Monday in what was becoming our typical Monday fashion and creating a schedule for the full week. After that we decided it was time to attend to our blog because we we’re slightly behind on our blog posts and we needed to catch upon. Upon surveying our newly published blog we realized there where quite a few errors. We spent the rest of the day writing, editing, and manipulating the technical set up of our blog. This proved to be frustrating and time consuming as a lot of times dealing with technology is.

This morning we woke up to a surprise in our kitchen. Two of our rather hungry friends decided to stop by for some breakfast. We are never upset when visitors stop by because we love the input on our cooking and also we need someone to eat our food because we also see, to make more than we expect to. For breakfast this day we made; pancake pops, and a bacon wrapped egg omelet. After enjoying our delicious breakfast it was back into the kitchen for us. We took some time to mix up some slutty brownies; which is cookie layered with double stuffed Oreo’s and topped with a layer of brownie. Once those came out of the oven we had to deliver them to our friends back on the Upper school campus because we had promised them some.
We found ourselves at a bump in the road to find our fridge and pantry extremely low on supplies. Putting our heads together we decided that it was time we took a trip to the grocery store. The grocery store was a great place for us to get hands on experience with food and pick out food specialized for our future recipes. After a long trip to the grocery store we found ourselves back in the kitchen only this time not to cook up to unload all the groceries. We then spent the rest of the day getting caught up on our blogging and editing our blog. In addition we decided to take the time to update our social media ad brainstorm ways to get ourselves more out there. You should all follow us!
Twitter: 2Blondes_Mixer
Instagram: 2Blondes_Mixer

I’m not sure if it is true for all families but we realized that both of our families loved to make their own spaghetti sauce. We put our heads together and developed our own spaghetti sauce. It took some time to make but we loved the way our sauce tasted once it came together. We then enjoyed our sauce over a nicely portioned bowl of pasta for lunch. With our stomachs full we headed back to the kitchen. Feeling rather adventurous we thought that we should try something more challenging and tried baking a soufflĂ©. Sadly, this blew up in our faces. Rather to be more literal I should say that it collapsed. Realizing that our cooking skills weren’t as developed as we thought we decided to leave this failure out of our blog posted which we uploaded later.

Perhaps the best way to end a long week of cooking our mentor came over to mess around in the kitchen with us. Together week cooked up some grilled romaine, chicken Milano, and twice baked potatoes. We learned a lot during this cooking session. Some of them are that you don’t have to cut open chicken to tell if it is fully cooked you can just use a touch test and that you have to poke holes in your potatoes before you bake them or else they will explode. We got lucky this time. The time cooking seemed to fly by and before we knew it we were able to sit down and enjoy the great meal that we cooked. After enjoying our meal it was back into the cyber world for us and we worked on our blog once again. We still realized that we had some kinks in it that needed to be worked out but we decided that we would save it for the next week.
Read more about the food we make at:


  1. Kat, the link to the blog doesn't seem to work... maybe it's me, but it takes me to Outlook webapp... you know, like to get into my hawken email :)

  2. Kat, the food sounds delicious. If you were to unexpectedly find yourself downtown, near Progressive Field, with some delicious delectables, I'm sure everyone down in the DC and my sponsor wouldn't mind chowing down. It sounds like you guys are learning a lot and having a ton of fun while cooking. The variety in food is awesome and it all sounds so good. But for real, if you are downtown and have some food, come on over to the stadium.
