Thursday, May 15, 2014


You have two kinds of people: the thinkers and the creators. Truthfully, both are intermingled and interdependent in that one can survive without the other. The thinkers must create ideas and form the unimagined, while the creators must think hard to turn imaginary into reality. Bio-Engineers must be both of these groups combined into one person. Forming ideas of a better and healthier world then transforming these ideas into spectacular advancement of medical technology. This idea of two people within one body exists within most any engineer, but biomedical engineers cannot create newer more advanced models. Adding new ingredients to an already existing model could spell disaster or create an entirely new invention. The inventions they create are not the stereotyped idea of technology such as the iPhone or the plasma screen television; rather they are innovative projects that go unnoticed until they are absolutely desired. No one wants these inventions because receiving one of these masterpieces means you have a problem. Creating these masterpieces takes time, patience and money not only to create but to test and retest, to prove and reprove, and finally to get it approved. If one project gets suck amidst the proving and approving they must move onto the next while still pushing the other until it falls flat on its face. 

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