Wednesday, May 21, 2014


On Monday morning of the second week I met with Dr. Ela Plow, who told me much and her work in the field. She never studied Biomedical Engineering, like many of her co-workers in the BME department. She began her studies in India, where she got a degree to become a therapist. Next came to the United States to study at the University of Minnesota where she got her graduate degree in Neuroscience, specifically imaging. With these degrees in her pocket she got a job in BME as a clinical researcher at the Cleveland Clinic. After a little background information about herself she informed me more of the field and her role in the field.
 The mortality rate of strokes has decreased significantly as the technology has advanced, which is extremely positive, but there is a down side. There are more people who are disabled, and since the people with more severe strokes are surviving their disability is much more prevalent and much slower to heal.  This is where Dr. Plow steps in, she wants to be able to find the right steps to get individuals to recover to full capability, or even to the point where they are able to work. To do this she uses brain stimulation specifically Magnetic Field Stimulation and Trans-cranial Direct Current stimulation as opposed to the dangerous electro convulsion therapy. Both of her methods are painless and have no known side effects or risks when given in short dosages.  After the patients with the stroke have become stable the clinicians send them to Dr. Plow to go through rehabilitation. She makes individualized plans to test what methods work on which kinds of strokes. She one day hopes to create an algorithm that helps every patient get back to their best so they can go back to work to support their families.

Trans-cranial Direct Current Stimulation uses a small portable machine to flow a small electric current through the brain. This device can be made easily at home with a 9 volt battery and 2 wires. One huge problem that Dr. Plow pointed out to me is that people could purchase these and use them for long amounts of time to keep their brain active while doing something such as playing video games. Before this became illegal millions where sold and circulated. The long term usage effects of this device are still unknown.

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