After a restful Memorial Day we hopped right back into the kitchen for a baking project. The boys tennis team asked us to whip up some baked goods as an insentive for people to come to their playoff match against U.S. They made flyers about the match and on them was a shout-out about our baked goods (great publicity for our blog!), which we thought was pretty cool. We decided that people tend to stick with what they know when they come to trying baked goods, sometimes you just need a straight-up brownie instead of a cinnamon gingerbread tart. So we decided that brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and cupcakes were the way to go. We spent all day making these and decorated the cupcakes with the seniors faces and tennis balls. They turned out so well! All the sweets were gone within 20 minutes of the match start. We count that as a success for 2 Blondes and a Mixer!
Today we welcomed Senior Botella into our kitchen! Well not our kitchen necessarily, but our kitchen for the day. Today we had planned to visit the shed makers and cook them lunch with our mentor. Senora was kind enough to visit us at the shed makers' headquarters (Wyatt's house) for our onsite visit. Knowing that we were cooking for 8 people in total (4 of them being boys) we made sure to make a lot of food. We made wings (with 2 different sauces), homemade mac and cheese, roasted asparagus with cheese, assorted sandwiches, and tiramisu. Although we felt like some of our choices were a little too ambitious in the end, we received great feedback from our testers and (we think) SeƱora!
We took the morning to tend to our blog. Having had a very busy week thus far we did not edit it as much as we would have liked. The morning was spent updating our blog and editing the existing blog posts. We also made "Cookie Cups" and frosting to go on top of them! They were amazing, and very addicting. Though they were addicting we knew we couldn't possibly eat all the ones we made, so we made a trip to the Upper School to drop some off to our hungry friends and get some input on their taste! Seth nearly inhaled and entire plate. Not joking.
Earlier in the week a friend, who's senior project is working at a clothing store in Chagrin Falls, asked if we would make baked goods for a breast cancer event they were having at the store. We were, of course, honored to have been asked! It was a big project and our product would be shown in public at an upscale store. How cool! We went all all for it. We made lemon bars, cookie cups, chocolate toffee nut bark, and cupcakes with sugar garnishes. Transporting proved to be difficult, but we got our baked goods to the store without a cookie catastrophe and the store owners/our friend were so appreciative of our work and we felt very accomplished. Maybe we could turn this into a catering business???
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